The palm at the end of the mind, beyond the last thought, rises in the bronze distance. A gold feathered bird sings in the palm, without human meaning, without human feeling, a foreign song. You know then that it is not the reason that makes us happy or unhappy.
The bird sings. Its feathers shine. The palm stands on the edge of space. The wind moves slowly in the branches. The bird's fire-fangled feathers dangle down.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


I haven't written a single poem

in months.

I've lived humbly, reading the paper,

pondering the riddle of power

and the reasons for obedience.

I've watched sunsets

(crimson, anxious),

I've heard the birds grow quiet

and night's mutenness.

I've seen sunflowers dangling

their heads at dusk, as if a careless hangman

had gone strolling through the gardens.

September's sweet dust gathered

on the windowsills and lizards

hid in the bends of walls,

craving one thing only:




 --Adam Zagajewski

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